Tuesday, March 1, 2011

America's Evil Genius #3: Should the Best and The Brightest go to the Public Sector?

On February 28, Barack Obama made the statment to America's Governors that "We need to attract the best and brightest to public service".

Why, Mr. President? So that they can work against the interests of the American people, rather than working in concert with us?

Episode #3 of my "America's Evil Genius" polticial commentary series examines this idea in detail. The idea that the Public Sector is the LAST place we need our best and brightest to end up!


  1. Hate to break it to you but...you're NOT a conservative...you're a
    working class populist.

    Remember the old fashioned stereotype
    conservative of yesteryear?

    Country Club fatcat, anti rock and roll,
    pro -family,PRO- AUTHORITY, PRO POLICE...

    You've got to be kidding me.

    You're an anti authority libertarian biker low class.
    The 1950's conservative,unashamedly bigoted
    upperclass, pop culture tastes always high society.
    You working class populists RUINED REAL

    Compared to the real standard
    of American Conservatism, YOU are the
    anti authority liberal that the Lord
    Jesus Christ is NOT FOND OF.
    What's with this flames of hell against a black
    background? You wear "black" mostly too don't you.
    The King of Kings ,The Lord of Lords...ROYALTY
    is his modus operandi. I KNOW there's several,
    thousands of you who have re-defined "conservatism".
    Numbers don't change anything.
    You're the devil's re-imagining of what
    America's conservative should be,in that he
    he controls both sides you see?
    They don't call him the king of deceivers for
    nothing. You hate the 50's conservatives don't you?
    OH yes you do. YOU ARE NOT a conservative.

  2. Awfully fond of labels, aren't we? I'd be interested to know what your definition of "real Conservatism" is (as you really didn't do much of a job of providing what you define as "real Conservatism" though you were quite fond of using the term).

    As for the stereotype of the "50's Conservative", I wonder specifically what (or more to the point, whom) from that era you consider to be "Conservative". Richard Nixon? Don't make me laugh. Dwight Eisenhower? He was a good man, but his policies *certainly* couldn't be considered Conservative (what was that tax rate for the wealthy during the 1950's, again?) Truth be told, the Conservative movement really didn't even begin being established until the late 1950's and early 1960's--mainly through the work of William F. Buckley Jr. and the candidacy of Barry Goldwater. Now does that mean that my views are precisely in line with Buckley and Goldwater? Not necessarily, as I believe the modern Conservative movement has evolved the ideology beyond what people like Goldwater and Buckley would have imagined in their times (and, at least in Buckley's case, perhaps slightly beyond what he might have been comfortable with). But nevertheless, people like Buckley, Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan laid a fine foundation for our movement--and it's a foundation that we continue to build on and evlove to this day.

    Don't make the mistake of confusing the terms "Republican" and "Conservative". The GOP through the 50's, much of the 60's (except for their brief flirtation with Goldwater), and certainly the early and mid 70's was a big government juggernaut. If you're saying that I don't have any connection with the GOP of that era, then you're correct. But that version of the GOP WAS NOT Conservative.

    Given time, the modern Conservative movement WILL drive the GOP towards something they have fought against for most of their history: Genuine Conservatism!
